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Government and Community Relations

The Orange County District Attorney's Office (OCDA) believes that vigorous prosecution of criminal defendants is just one aspect to maintaining a safer community. "There will never be enough police officers and prosecutors to keep the public safe if we do not reach out to all stakeholders in our County," stated District Attorney Tony Rackauckas. "We must get a buy-in of the criminal justice system by reaching out to those at risk and fostering relationships with those we serve."

The Government and Community Relations Unit (GCR) serves as a liaison between the OCDA, government agencies, community groups and constituents. The Unit identifies County, state and federal budget and policy issues and develops options to obtain public and private funding.

Connecting with Youth and Families

GCR coordinates youth and family programs throughout the year to provide positive law enforcement role models, education about the justice system, and assistance to those at risk or in need. The OCDA partners with a designated community-based organization to brighten the holidays for 50 families in need through Adopt-A-Family.  District Attorney staff, Advisory Commissioners, and friends contribute gifts for each child, gift certificates to provide their families with a holiday dinner, and a festive party with Santa Claus.

Teams of deputy district attorneys volunteer to teach fifth-grade students in at-risk schools about the benefits of receiving an education and the negative impact of narcotics and gangs through the Orange Outreach Program.

The Summer Youth Education Conference is a 1-week program for Orange County high school students to tour law enforcement departments, meet local officials, conduct a mock trial, and learn about careers in law enforcement.

The Spring Youth Sports Camp provides children between the ages of 7 and 13 with the opportunity to build self-esteem and learn about the criminal justice system through soccer and workshops that warn about the dangers of gangs, delinquency, alcohol and drugs, and offers alternatives to crime.

Legislative Advocacy

The Unit engages in legislative advocacy to enhance public safety, promote effective crime prevention measures, and strengthen the rights of crime victims. OCDA staff develop legislative proposals and work closely with elected officials to support their proposals. Examples of legislative proposals include Senate Bill (SB) 285, authored by State Senator Lou Correa to fight human trafficking and signed into law by Governor Edmund J. Brown; SB 50, also introduced by Senator Correa, to address driving under the influence of an illegal controlled substance; and AB 1462, introduced by Assemblyman Tony Mendoza, to enhance penalties for vehicular manslaughter.

District Attorney Rackauckas, Senator Correa, and the California Massage Therapy Council were awarded the 2011 Heroes of the Profession award by Massage Today for their effort in passing SB 285.

Advisory Commissions

The OCDA seeks the input and exchange of information from ethnic communities to bridge language and cultural gaps, which are barriers for these communities in understanding the criminal justice system. The OCDA Hispanic, Vietnamese, and Korean-American Advisory Commissions are composed of public and law enforcement officials, religious and community leaders, and business owners. These Advisory Commissions provide invaluable assistance in identifying key challenges to community participation and encouraging cooperation with the criminal justice system. 

With the expertise and assistance of its Advisory Commissions, the OCDA has developed culturally responsive and dynamic ways of reaching our communities, including bilingual resource booklets and crime prevention media campaigns, criminal justice workshops, and outreach booths at cultural festivals.

OCDA’s Speakers Bureau

District Attorney Rackauckas, prosecutors, and Investigators speak to community groups including Rotary Clubs, Lions Clubs, Chambers of Commerce, and schools on topics including the role of the OCDA, combatting gangs, business fraud prevention, elder abuse, DNA, identity theft, and driving under the influence.

Requests for speakers may be made by filling out a request form under the "How Do I" tab above, or by clicking here.